Apricocks... Be kind and courteous to this gentleman; Hop in his walks and gambol in his eyes; Feed him with apricocks and dewberries, With purple grapes, green figs, and mulberries; The honey-bags steal from the humble-bees, And for night-tapers crop their waxen thighs And light them at the fiery glow-worm's eyes, To have my love to bed and to arise; -Shakespeare: Midsummer Night's Dream
Friday, December 28, 2012
Ranch (for DHL)
Ranch (for DHL)
For a time we three slept up on
Wolf Mountain Bert Frieda and I
We took the trail past Susan the Cow
And the field of black-eyed susans
Waiting til the sun set over New Mexico
Til we could take off our clothes
Keep warm together with friction
Bert loved my alabaster buttocks
Or so I felt as his broad hand pressed
There when Frieda and I missionaried
On the hard bed til it was Bertie's turn
They swore me to secrecy hell it was
1923 the year my Mom was born
Menage wasn't even a word well
Not one to go in an English writer's bio
No way so we smoked weed and laughed
Instead until we drove to Lake Chapala
Which Bert said looked milky with sperm
All the way down in Mexico
A tribute to D. H. Lawrence
Jack, Xmas '12
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Xmas Dad
Merry Xmas Dad
You might have lived to be a century
Smiling at balloons sucking candy
Stroking your yellow cats
Filled with patriotism and not even
Missing the holidays of your past
Not even knowing Christmas Eve
From the Day of the Dead
You struggle up the stairs to your bed
Are you preparing for your eternity
Fetal position how many hours each
Day curled up in oblivion
Your wife hates you resents
Your long life and if you know
Anything through the haze that is it
She accuses you of making a Hell
Of her disappointing life
Do you recall in your dementia
That we are estranged that not since
We played chess half a century ago
Has there been anything but false pleasantry
Between us no understanding
No communication no rapport
Instead silly jokes over fish
We sat in a swing on Tybee beach
And compared biceps whatever summer
You ambled over the sand as your wife
Let the sea breeze give her a shining
Moment in the sun
What has our life meant to you
The failed law practice
The failed first marriage of twenty years
What women still emerge in the mist
Of your mind what joys recalling
My brother and me wrestling with you
On hardwood floors
Dad I remember your beard
Like sandpaper when you held me as a child
How proud I once was of you
Standing in your officer's uniform
Taking my mother out
Swiveling in your Colonial office chair
Under a gold clock ticking away
Your life of pretense
Why don't I love you old man
Was it your dishonesty your politics
Your doting on your second wife
Whose dreams never came to be
Who came to find emptiness and burden
In your existence no matter your devotion
Who grew disillusioned as I did
With who you pretended to be
Your dying days bring me sadness
Though you jerk from childish joy
To belligerence over a simple word
You are alien to me though you
Conjure images from my youth
Confused like driving a car for the
First time unable to make the machine
Go where I want that is how my feelings
For you are off the path
For something of you must be mine
At best I forgive you for the alienation
Were you clear of mind I'd ask yours
For me for my inattention and lack
Of concern for you for you are now
A man without love from anyone
Unwashed unfed frail skeleton of a man
Loved only if at all by my kind brother
Ever friend to the downtrodden
Farewell Dad this Xmas Eve
We shall not meet again mind to mind
This Lifetime
Monday, December 17, 2012
Almost Anger
Write about anger you said
You who are always
Almost my lover
Almost aroused by an image
On your Laptop
Almost a singer in nightclubs
Of your dark moods
Almost a man almost
Almost wanting me
Almost wanting me to leave you
As my emotions overflow and ebb
Almost like the sea
Flowing unlike my desire
That night we bathed ourselves
Almost together in a baptism
Of holy Beat holiness
Almost Ginsberg and Cassady
Almost a monkey and a pig
In a house that was almost yours
The best I can muster my love is
Almost Anger because Anger is
Only possible when it is possible
To give you unadulterated joy
Jack 12-17-12
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Will you be old friend the last
Name I recall as I stare at the dark
Ascending night in the winter sky
You were with me when my child's
Eye first looked for constellations
You have seen me through all the
Constellations of my life my loves
My one night one year one decade
Lifetime loves a phantasmagoria
Of couplings and sexual surrender
Of hands held and legs spread
Embraces with fingers through my hair
Mine through theirs your sword piercing
Consciousness in a cluster of
In the outback sky of Australia
Before the glaciers of Patagonia
In Copenhagen and the black sands
Of Hawaii in the little round park
Where I climbed trees and waited for
The Milky Way to appear glistening
Sperm of Heaven filling the sky
Flowing to be shared
With all the dazzling planets of my
Arching firmament
--Jack, on the eve of the 2012 Solstice
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Come Faithful
Come Faithful
What did it count in your
Existential equation that orgasm
Porn inspired mouth fucking
Shoving your penis with fury
Until the sperm spurted into
Her throat until your jizz
Flowed right out of her nose
Did you bend and kiss her
Come glistening on her lips
Tasting yourself there hold her
In your sweat glistening arms
Console her laugh with her
Laugh at her facefull of come
Tell her you loved her not
Just her mouth or body
Loved her as you loved me
When you held my body
Stroked me ever so gently
And for the first time in your life
Made someone else come
Jack Jameson 11/21/12
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
A Half moon shines midnight
Unevenly through the grove of oaks
Not yet bare holding on to autumn
The way we hold on to expectations
Of holiday cheer at the approach of
Winter Solstice and of all those special
Days we've invented for the pretense
Of warmth and transcendence.
--Jameson 11/20/12
Monday, November 19, 2012
Resplendence of November
Fading sunlight highlights
Gold and crimson treetops
As an unexplained mellowness
Transforms fatigue from last night's
Revelries and reveries
Into beatitude
Saturday, November 10, 2012
From Whitman
Through me forbidden voices,
Voices of sexes and lusts, voices veiled and I remove the veil,
Voices indecent by me clarified and transfigured.
I do not press my fingers across my mouth,
I keep as delicate around the bowels as around the head and heart,
Copulation is no more rank to me than death is.
I believe in the flesh and the appetites,
Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle.
Divine am I inside and out, and I make holy whatever I touch or am touched from,
The scent of these armpits aroma finer than prayer,
This head more than churches, bibles, and all the creeds.
If I worship one thing more than another it shall be the spread of my own body, or any part of it....
Song of Myself
By Walt Whitman
Friday, November 9, 2012
Monju Bosatsu
Monju Bosatsu
In Asia the god of Wisdom is
Monju who brought to Japan
Buddhism and same sex love
Watching the blue blood in my
Vein course its way from my finger
Up my wrist to my arm I think
What wisdom has same sex love
Given me from those who have loved
My mind enough to hold my flesh
Easy enough when I shared youth
The swagger and vim the elan vital
When I married mind and body
Now yet attracted to myself my blood filled
Hand my loins my penis still erect I am
Loved by others for mind alone not flesh
What has a Buddhist deity to offer me
Bodhisattva will you reach out and hold me
As I have come to need or must I relinquish
All Desire even my own love of self
Let go of otherness let go of all the lovers
Who'd have my spirit alone until my breath
Is gone
In Asia the god of Wisdom is
Monju who brought to Japan
Buddhism and same sex love
Watching the blue blood in my
Vein course its way from my finger
Up my wrist to my arm I think
What wisdom has same sex love
Given me from those who have loved
My mind enough to hold my flesh
Easy enough when I shared youth
The swagger and vim the elan vital
When I married mind and body
Now yet attracted to myself my blood filled
Hand my loins my penis still erect I am
Loved by others for mind alone not flesh
What has a Buddhist deity to offer me
Bodhisattva will you reach out and hold me
As I have come to need or must I relinquish
All Desire even my own love of self
Let go of otherness let go of all the lovers
Who'd have my spirit alone until my breath
Is gone
Sunday, October 28, 2012
How long the sea remains calm
The ocean breeze soothes and cools
Sunlight streams upon us on our beach
Our lives are joys of hours shared
The autumn moon shimmers over our
We think we shall be like this forever
Unperceived the ripple begins
Clouds gather quietly darken
As we rest until the waves unresting grow
Until some word some meaningless gesture
Mistook some glance or pulling away
Some leave-taking brings a rise
In heat as eddies swirl into the pressure
So suddenly grows the storm from peacefulness
We cannot see reality the turbulence the war
Rising in a tempest of emotion of fear
Panic as we fight to find its end only to be
Struck dumb and blown apart as if we never
Were embraced secure in love
Forces of nature rip us asunder
An autumn storm awes us it leaves us cold
As unexpected damage and brutality unfold
Friday, October 26, 2012
How many nights have you and I wandered these hills
Steep streets that over time grew steeper for you
Talking in the beginning of our love of Neal
Of Jack of Allen explicating for ourselves the underlying
Meanings of nakedness and trust
Until the dawn when we stripped and began knowing
Nakedness rather than philosophizing it
We partook of existential angst and the loneliness
Simone and Jean Paul knew but managed so well
We too brazenly compared ourselves to our heroes
And loved ourselves for it
After our walks we championed us to our
Friends our respective worlds taking in plays about
Oscar Wilde and seeing exhibitions of Pablo and Egon
We came home growing more intimate taking in our
Nakedness in ever deeper ways each day approaching
In a spiral of activities and nights out Leonard Cohen
Gigs and poetry and travel baring more than our bodies
Our being our psyches our Tao our dreams our souls
Our spirits our conscious and unconscious our energy
Our song
Until we like Ginsberg at a reading of Howl
Until you commanded and we took off our pants
Until sexuality gave way to something more
A nakedness of two humans merging for a moment
Of no expectations in an embrace that was as radiant
As the dawn we watched together over the ocean
Planet Stars crescent moon and sun aligned as we were
Was it not so were we truly no more than
An old man and a youth lost for a time in our
Own dreams thinking we could create our own
Reality contrary to that of the society we inhabit
Contrary to our lusts and our limitations
Perhaps so yet whatever that nakedness was
It will continue to connect us no less
Jack Jameson 10/25/12
Friday, October 12, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
The rain pouring down today
Conjures Hiroshige's bridge
Straight hard lines of water
Bearing down on villagers crossing
Burdened with their stuff of life
What bridge shall I cross
In the spring in Japan
A Zen bridge to my final years
Bridge to caring or indifference
To the vicissitudes of existence
The water washes my memory
Those violent passions past drown
In the rain that falls on my mind
Massaging me like the face of my
Lover pressed against my chest
So many paths pictured woodcuts
Offer me a Tao of my own
For now as I imagine passing
Through forests along lakes
With Shinto shrines to ancestors
There the spirit world the so-called
Hallucinations of Shamans no less
Perceptions than mine of this rain soaked
Day as I wait out the time to my
Next embrace to my next journey
Monday, September 3, 2012
Always it has struck me as so
That time and space are not
Real though they be mindful constructs
Of our imagination as our
Perception is all there is I think
So that when I recall my loves
Lost in the recesses of unreality
Like almost remembered dreams
They exist like mist from the sea
Are no less than robed and sandaled
Genderless people of the past
Walking the streets of Athens and Nara
No less the music of Faure and Satie no less
The Haiku of Dogen and Basho
Not lost in the bulldozing that the contemporary
World does to nature and to humanity
As greed and profit and progress so called
Sweep away the sweet and the sweetbitter
In the quest for material success and
Work that is void of meaning
Like the empty spaces in the ruins
Of the Parthenon the empty space of
Shinto shrines
Time and space are hard illusions
The loves intangible that penetrated us
Are not
Saturday, September 1, 2012
My Pagan Opinion
My Pagan Opinion
Humans have more to learn in nature
Than nature has to fear in us
There are better ways to get hot
Than tail pipe exhaust and raping the land
There are tribes where there is no war
And individuals relieve tension and fighting
By touch
Touch that gets them warm and hot
Touch that goes to the genitals
Generating warmth that glistens
Bonobo touch in a world of such equality
Such absence of discrimination and exclusivity
Pan would blush with joy and play
His pipes
Sunday, August 12, 2012
You said it years ago "Lovers"
We are lovers like no others
Though we care for each other
Though we are friends
Though we have touched each other
With love no one could question
Ours is abnormal
As we like it
Not traditional not the result of mere
We are lovers for the touch we have
Touch that is weird strange and uneasy
Reinforcing a deeper probe
We fuck each other's mind
We go into each other by another
We sealed our pact the night
You quietly pulled me to you
Taste of whiskey
And kissed me
Jack 8/12/12
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Where Next
Where Next
Much is finished much is yet to begin
The mountain road so lost in fog
Soaked with rain lit by lightning
Became calm in the sunlight as we
Climbed upward to a vista from which
Nothing was clear except distance
A short-lived butterfly its wings spanned
With gold and black patterns stopped
To sip nectar on its path from Far North
To Mexico and beyond how could it go
Such distance in its short life How could I
Go from this mountain trail to another
Continent crossing more oceans
Going not knowing my identity
Seeking contact with others who
Give me a fuller sense of humanity
Because ever the empath I absorb distance
Making myself dissolve in an embrace
What Reason tells me lies before
Is seldom so as on each alien shore
Letting go of expectation yields a new face
Sunday, July 29, 2012
My heart's not weak at all
It is a hard thing small
Blood goes in and blood out
While all the heart ache
Is merely more memory
This betrayal that death
You may call it doubt
I say with each sad breath
With each love that turns fake
My comfort comes from nothing
As surely mine as no one ever
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
It is a halcyon morning
Sunlight slants the line of oaks
Touch of breeze stirs my feelings
Of others long gone touching me
Their spirits bring a sneeze
As ancient Athenians predicted
A sneeze of sinus congestion
And when I lift my white handkerchief
To blow my nose the scent of coffee
From Papua New Guinea fills
My senses taking me to the Pacific
Where a Polynesian once made me come
Monday, July 16, 2012
Back from England
Back from England
England is two states of mind
London energy and Country laze
Both sprinkled daily heavy drizzle
All the more sparkling in sunlight
Boats on rivers everywhere
England is high drama Shakespeare
Stabbing an assassin in Africa
Timon as a homeless man serving shit
Two states of mind
And both steeped like tea in history
For me it is always sex that fills
Two states of mind
One having one without
Meeting in mutual masturbation
In England quiet and in the dark
What flights of fantasy we enjoy
Crossing in utter discomfort that
Ocean separating Raw America
From cultured pearls overseas
Pearls of two states of mind
Jack --July '12
Friday, July 13, 2012
Another day another orgasm
Beating off the images of imagination
The fantasy hovers about me as I
Stroke tightening my grip
Jerk faster as your body yields to me
As I feel the entrances to your flesh
As your eyes reflect my eagerness
As I forget that I am not a dog
Sniffing an ass getting up
On my hind legs sticking it in
Uninhibited joy oh release
Quivering until the absurd and the
Ridiculous return
Fantasies gone and there is nothing
Except the mess of life to
Wipe away
Jack 7/13/12
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Iceland (to a fellow stranger)
Iceland (to a fellow stranger)
From a Sigur Ros trance visions
Arise from my mind mist-like
The rigid penis of a man
Forty years my junior
A man not knowing not
Caring what his preference
Might be
Wanting my touch wanting comfort
As vampires and super-heroes
As animated teens from a world
Dream leaped over walls again
And again and neither wine nor
Marijuana diminished the absence
He felt no one else willing to break away
From the entertainment to hold him
Except me
Jack 6/19/12
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Talking My Walk
Talking My Walk
Each day I make my walk
Up and down Druid Hills
December decks the walk with grinning
Snowmen whose plastic carrot noses
Breathe no better than mine
Breathe no better than mine
As I clomp the asphalt and concrete
Imagining Immanuel Kant
How should I apply his C I
His Categorical Imperative how
Universalize my maxims this sun soaked
December day as I pass
Latinos with ladders and saws
Boys walking their dogs
Women jogging tits bouncing
The porcelain Santa may hold the answer
Beneath his red frock and white beard
He pees into a basin he smiles
As if his exposure itself is a joy
If only he could pee down the chimneys
Of those awaiting their gifts
Of factories spewing smut and slag
Would Kant today go about his walk
Rational and calm contemplating the Noumena
Would he masturbate daily as well
Space Time and Causality dissolving in his climax
Where do I walk if I want to feed the hungry
Stop the Saṃsāra as red with war
As Santa's frock
How should I walk my talk
How should you as the planet
Spins toward doom as avarice
Kills hope as money runs out
As oil drips away and we suffocate
In our own gases
If I carry a sign to city hall
If I vote for a civil rights hero
If I write swoon-worthy poetry
Or an essay published in Time
If I pee down a chimney if I
Make love to another human being
Will it make a difference
Will Kant's philosophy save us
I walk my walk
Up and down Druid Hills
Nod at neighbors who would abhor
My feelings and my world view
Pat the dog that will howl in the yard
All night alone and alienated as a billion
All night alone and alienated as a billion
Humans are
Winter Solstice, 2011
Saturday, May 26, 2012
We need the air to breathe
The air does not make us needy
The deeper breath we take
The stronger we are
Jack 5/12
Spittle and Blather
Spittle and Blather
Have you ever encountered a gaggle
Young mothers pushing their offsprings'
Strollers postulating the joys babies
Bring lifting them to show
But seeing just their own
Baby reaching out its tiny finger
As piercing screech of a blue-throated macaw
Erupts startling need crying out its existence
Upon these crawling creatures
Young mothers project their fantasies
Hopes dreams imaginations of able men
Women one day making them proud proving
Their pride fulfilling what mothers
Married working walking their progeny
Cannot do for themselves
What do you think or feel
Value as you watch their excited faces
That this is life the meaning we all
Yearn full of passion to gain
Do you see these happy women
As beauty as joy as comfort
Is their love for these small beings
Ultimate unconditional unassailable
Am I alone in finding my fulfillment
Otherwise in choosing to abort
As I did
Delighting not in what my semen
Became but in the seed my mind shares
Yet you will point out sweetly to me
That I like them shall one day be
Blather and spittle
Crying out in pain or wonder
As what life I have departs
Those gathered around
Will say how sad he has no children
No sons no daughters to bid farewell
If a few of those who've loved me all these
Years live still
They will bid my drooling mouth
Good bye
You will witness what flights of meaning
I achieved.
Jack 5/12
Sunday, May 20, 2012
How do you say eyes in French
How do you say eggs
When first I saw you
Cafe in Paris
My desire hatched
My desire to hold your hand
My desire to fertilize your eggs
Like a cod
Nager dans la mer
Jack 5/20/12
During the eclipse of the Sun
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Lake Country Seed
Lake Country Seed
When I was yet a student lad
First time visiting the Finger Lakes
I hung upside down
From the cabin's playground monkey bars
You said to me
"You looked like an animal."
You wouldn't have sex with me
That night our host
Offered me more
We unmade his bed
We fucked like animals
Jack -- Revised, 5/3/12
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
What (Ironic Self-deprecation to Release Tension)
So what the fuck will you say
Old man with a scrap goatee
You old goat let us tell you
Death bed nursing home enema bag
Want something to stick in those varicose veins
Come on say something wise
We dare you dare your impudent impotence
Old fag what would you do if we spread our legs
Were you there when Caesar shot across the Rubicon
When they shot Kennedy and Camelot
Fell to Morgan and Modred and Merlin froze
You sat there a kid in Latin reciting
They said on the intercom "The President is dead"
What now dry skin can you get it up knowing
They broke your round table
That all your kings and knights are rot
Make us laugh old man jester
Lear's tragic old fool dance
Sing strum a guitar say something deep
So we can like you and your old bone
Like you and your wit whats left of it
Like you because we feel sorry for your
Feeble attempt to be cool like we are
Young like we are
Hipsters the way we are (Not!)
You can't be our mirror man
We are not your masturbation fantasy
Are we are we
Poerm: Po-erm Dfn: A poem-like expression using words to convey what is otherwise ineffable, with always an eye on, or other sensory awareness of, Eros. Thanatos may be substituted or play a part as well.
Jack, May Day '12
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Rain Haiku
Thunder cracks through rain
Gushing as hail pings thin tin
Sun sparks the raindrops
Jack 4/17/12
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Meeting by the Gulf (with irony)
It is the eve of another jaunt
Down south to New Orleans
Like we been sayin' we'd do
For years
The eve of days together
My mind and yours
Cafe conversations
Late night music
Sparkling Wine
Letting what happens happen
Your body and mine
Or jus' contemplatin'
What might be or not
As the Easy takes hold
Takes hold
Takes hold
Friday, March 23, 2012
Haiku Doggie Style
Joggers intersect
Pups leashed sniff cavort lick
Jack 3-23-12
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The white not quite
Full moon drifted up
Among the cloud puffs
Pink like Mimosa blossoms
As she pulled her car to the curb
Let you out
Leaving her angry and hurt
Like suicide
As the darkness came
And more clouds
Advancing with lightning on two
Horizons West and North
Like the Union Army
Approaching Atlanta
And we sat on the rocking porch
As you came to like
Being queer
Full moon drifted up
Among the cloud puffs
Pink like Mimosa blossoms
As she pulled her car to the curb
Let you out
Leaving her angry and hurt
Like suicide
As the darkness came
And more clouds
Advancing with lightning on two
Horizons West and North
Like the Union Army
Approaching Atlanta
And we sat on the rocking porch
As you came to like
Being queer
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Give Me Shotgun
Give Me Shotgun
Yes there are numberless couples
Happy as horses in hay
Making it every day
Thrilled with their spills
Ignoring the news taking their pills
Lighting up their charcoal grills
Bodies twined fresh and supple
Regardless spring buds open
Vegetating sex powders us filling
Our noses choking us like fellatio
With daffodils and goldenrod
The throats of birds slaked with worms
Repeat the chirrup of abundance
Eggs encapsulate their existence
Yes I have had my piece my share
If not my fill
Of horses' play of vegetating sex
Of thrilling spills
Choosing rather than coupling solitude
In a world of sap
Preferring to move
You dare me to ride
Take off on the open road
Your life my life
Merged for a while like fellatio
Be twined fresh and supple
You'll let me drive you say or
Give me shotgun
Jack, 1st day of spring, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Drunk in the Morning (St. Patrick's Day)
Drunk in the Morning (St. Patrick's Day)
Squares fill with eager faces
Children wearing green their hands
Holding clover
Their parents gather 'round them
Friends all waiting
For the long long long
Parade redcoats with piccolos
Masons with rubies stuck to their bellies
Now and then a ramshackle float
But mostly military troops
And tanks and
High school bands with high stepping
Majorettes avoiding the feces
Of green dyed goats
We make our way through
Throngs large red plastic cups of brew
Sloshing as we walk entranced
To the Green River
To where crowds congregate as if
Waiting for the Coming of the Saint
Of Patrick himself green gowned
Shepherd's crook in hand
Come to chase our green snakes
Away to punish us for letting reptiles
Loose as someone yells
To the girl in green beads and halter top
High on her riverfront balcony
Show us your tits.
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