Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Let Go

Let Go

there are times when wisdom 

is no better than sagebrush
tumbleweed propelled by random winds
tossing over a lonely road of dust 
sand covered Tao to nowhere
times when all the lovers and promises
fantasies of everlasting embraces
become shimmer mirages
and solitude is the lasting truth
wisdom as the  philosophy of sages 
makes me laugh knowing like the
throbbing blood in my veins that
Dylan got it right
when you got nothing
you got nothing to lose
when you are ready to pull the trigger
ready to shoot the pain in your
broken heart it is the exact moment
to have your epiphany 
let go
let go of the illusion of love
let go of the demons 
wedded to yourself
go away into your life
go where you can dance again
sing be forgiven
forgive absolve everyone you think
caused you despair
let go
like the prince of India who let go
of his palace his wife his child
let go and found joy in a beggars bowl
that went upstream
let go and dance like Shiva
go to the Golden Pavilion
of yourself until you can
toss with the tumbleweed

Jack Jameson 2-20-13

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


This is the day I have to write to you

A day that like our lost love
Is gray and stark as ash
Not like the day thirty-seven
Years ago when we met
Knowing an adventure would unfold
Sensing from a word found in your
Unabridged dictionary
That we would head out together
For destinations recondite

What became of our enterprise of

Great pitch and moment as you named it
Hamlet's speech caught in your head
We let go of each other in stages
Like turning down the volume of a
Song decibel by decibel until
We could hear nothing
We made the slow descent from Parry Peak
Where we had touched each other's
Loneliness and yearning forever

You chose to leave Fat Tuesday

A wife son friends family
As once I was eager to do
Then when you did not come
That stark gray October day
There was no alternative but to betray
Our pacts and promises our unbound
Tie to let unravel rarely requited
Passion like smashing a fist
Into a Nineteenth Century brick wall

Now your spirit if there is such a

Thing slithers toward James our host
Who met and shaped us both the poet
Whose murder suffocated  us 
Whose grim Oklahoma Halloween
Burial took place on that exact same day
For me stark and gray of your wedding
I witnessed like a zombie among
Revelers knowing death so intimately
Realizing how death and love are twins

Where hang those lips that I have kissed
Whose final words you gave to me  
Mere months ago  " Love you, Jack" 
Lips to say goodbye as you take away
On this day stark gray
A broken stem of the wormwood 
Wild  in my mad heart

Jack Jameson, Ash Wednesday, 2/13/13

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat Tuesday

Fat Tuesday

Lucky Dogs under the Red and Yellow

Umbrella stoned pirate standing still in the

Sea of multicolored beings coursing

Coarsely down Bourbon with beads swaying

Drinks in hand clandestine blunts and

Boners joker’s caps feather plumes

Screams of delight from bar to bar

Raising cups of joy into the sprinkled air

This time we are the music

The furry brown dog on the cell phone

Waving beside lovers in rainbow tutus

Stop action as she shows her tits

Togas crowns and bare buttocks

And despite smudged signs of warning

There is Jesus sandals and thorns smiling

The most stoned and blissed-out  grin of all

 Jack Jameson 2-12-13