Sunday, October 28, 2012


How long the sea remains calm
The ocean breeze soothes and cools
Sunlight streams upon us on our beach
Our lives are joys of hours shared
The autumn moon shimmers over our 
We think we shall be like this forever

Unperceived the ripple begins
Clouds gather quietly darken
As we rest until the waves unresting grow
Until some word some meaningless gesture 
Mistook some glance or pulling away
Some leave-taking brings a rise
In heat as eddies swirl into the pressure

So suddenly grows the storm from peacefulness
We cannot see reality the turbulence the war
Rising in a tempest of emotion of fear
Panic as we fight to find its end only to be
Struck dumb and blown apart as if we never 
Were embraced secure in love
Forces of nature rip us asunder

An autumn storm awes us it leaves us cold
As unexpected damage and brutality unfold


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