Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lake Country Seed (final version)

Lake Country Seed

When I was yet a student lad,
First time visiting the Finger Lakes,
I hung upside down
From the cabin's playground
Monkey bars, naked.
Later you said to me,
"You looked like an animal."
You wouldn't have sex with me.
That night, our host
offered me more.
We unmade the bed;
We fucked like animals.

Jack Miller, Nov. 2008

see the new version in 2012.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Haiku Equinox

Earth's wicked angle
spins September warmth and light
into dark cold night

Monday, August 17, 2015

Prick-Tease Territory

Guitar lead me by your hand
Deep into prick-tease territory
Gazing turquoise eyes no condom
For the evil eye pierce my psyche
With each strum of your strings
In tune as you reach to pluck
The red hot edge of my pulse

You beat the path of your song
Deep into prick-tease territory
Where you see me pointing
Toward you nodding head in time
Accepting your gaze of turquoise
Your hand touching me strumming
Our song of harmony of cumming

Jack 8-17-15

Thursday, August 13, 2015


The ideal forms elude me
no more could I give my words
the sonnet form of Will or John
than I could build the Pantheon
or take into my arms Antinous
as did Hadrian armed to command
Athens Rome Alexandria Agape

For it is summer's end and August
now is nothing like august Augustus
my debts no emperor's nonetheless
tie my hands making ever more distant
life on the Mediterranean ancient
excesses of bliss and Eros on a god's isle
where longing lapses into Sappho's smile

Outside my artificial cave rain storms thunder
tearing the drowning face of Antinous asunder

Jack 8-13-15

Monday, July 20, 2015

haiku cola

end of summer smile
shades made for the afterlife
fists pep pop tabletop

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Have you ever watched the sky
turn into water watched it thicken
like a plot first mist then droplets
until wetness is all the reality
you know as the story of your life
confuses soddenness with nourishment
baptism with drowning as you recall
the pool beneath the waterfall where
once you sank in cold and damp death
almost as you grasped for nothing there
flailing about over your head gasping for air
filling your lungs with choking water
somehow gaining enough leverage to 
raise your head up into the waterfall
droplets having gathered into water walls
warm walls you might embrace but cold
you flee as if your life would wash away

Jack 2-1-15