Saturday, April 9, 2011

Musician, Age 25

Musician, Age 25

"He's lonely and you're a whore."
A witch in New Orleans told me.
We both laughed, 'cause we knew
It was true.
Not that we weren't friends; good friends,
Traveling to the city that care forgot
On my 21st birthday, staying in a red
Brick room with a French Quarter balcony,
Where I played guitar.
I got sick on oysters, but that didn't stop
My old man friend, 65,  from hitting
On me every fucking day...

It's been four years now, as I let him put his
Moist hands all over me; and I give his everlasting
Hard-on a hand job 'cause he loves it when
I hold his dick. Loves it more holding mine,
In so many showers we've taken together
I feel wet just remembering.

Thought I'd have to live with him when
My Parents threw me out at 24.
Let me keep my studio, but threw me out.
Out, now there's irony. I'm no gay-boy.
Then came a miracle. I met a girl.
I met two girls- her and her best friend.
They invited me in and I went in again and
Again. They bought me meals; gave me gas;
Bedded me in their dorm. Gave me whatever.
Damn, if I didn't go from whore to gigolo.
And there I play my guitar, and sing every fucking
Day. 'Cause, you know? I'm living the wet-dream.

Jameson 10-5-'15


Life dumbs down to dark
Gray Southern winter skies
Colorless crumbs for food
Bloodless afternoon belies
Energy half asleep
Like a mammal in hibernation
Until you come 
Offering me compassion
Gentle and caring from your
Embrace letting rise in me
Passion like a blazing transformer
Burning in the night 


Send Off

Your old guitar with its broken string
sits still in my living room
two weeks after Nashville
two weeks after we were high 
on Starr's porch and you hugged me
saying how freaked out you were
frightened like a child shaking
as I calmed you told you normal
would return as I knew it would
the day we had our send off 
the day pre-cum glistened on you
a pearl on the family jewel
offered erection for me to grasp
that pearl a slippery symbol 
of our sexuality fluid but never
getting there five years after
we first shared that pink source
of your pleasure your compass

Broken string on your old guitar
broken words that failed us
our love recedes into those 
memories of walks and food shared 
warm showers in a host of states
where we slept together naked
forgotten now as you answer my
question which of our travels did
you like best "they all had good 
and bad moments" no recollection
of standing on an overlook above
Asheville in a moment of pure 
discerning the waxing Moon

As you continue to gaze into the
Looking Glass be careful as you fall
deep within your mirror lie strange
experiences to shatter complacency
shatter your fragile self-esteem bending
the straight road you imagine lies
before you because your path of life
is like the road to Starr's filled 
with curves and twists that will
discomfort you ransack you just as 
we probed ourselves for seven years
from excitement to disappointment
no point in my being on your mind
swallow now that the song is over
it was a fine affair an enterprise 
of great pith and moment
of great pitch and foment
or whatever it is you recall or pluck
on the old guitar strings of your ego

Jack Jameson
 The End of 2015


Now there is no longer choice
No longer free will no turning back
No longer can I not be
Your lover because
More precious to me than your
Semen your sperm ejaculated hot
On my flesh still warm to my taste
Wet from your orgasm of surrender 
To me
More precious than that nectar
Are your tears
Spilled down your face from
Eyes open to me 
Naked and hurt
For a love we already have
And that neither of us can deny
Any more than we can deny
That we breathe 

Jack 1/12

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bent (The Curvature of Space and Time)

Bent (the curvature of space and time)

Ninety-five years ago young Albert
Proved  straight lines do not exist
Space is curved as celestial bodies
Fall into one another

Since I was eighteen nine bodies
In my orbit  prove the nonexistence of
Straight men celestial or otherwise
Young Alfred's scale appeared when I was one

Of my nine men seven wed women
With seven I had sex for years
Six are fathers three I fucked
A fourth asked for it but I had no condom

Jack 4/6/'11

note: Albert= Einstein
Alfred= Kinsey


Tuesday, April 5, 2011



Humans created words and language
To extend the joy and wonder of life
Just as the denizens of caves
Painted images of aurochs bison deer
And the hands of shamans

Jack 4/5/'11


Monday, April 4, 2011

My Type (a work in progress)

My Type    (A Work in Progress)

Where shall I begin

Flamenco dancer
Wet dream at  thirteen
Dancing up against me
Under the live oak tree
Shaking her red ruffled dress
Stomping her feet in the grass
Until I ejaculate

The boy at  Episcopal camp
Bedding me a night of mutual
Pretty pearls of metaphor
And discarded innocence
Hairless chest abs of 15
Eyes of wonder skin with sheen

Scarlet blond hair delicate neck
Presenting herself to me on our bus
Across the hills of Virginia
Lucious lips invent a story of her life
A month later sweet as honey
She finishes  her virginity and mine
Melting like ice cream on the cone

Playing Chopin all passion Botticelli's
Pianist with El Greco's  fingers
Hard as his keys and as white in the moonlight
Grace as he emerges from the salt sea
As we open up ourselves on the beach
Six hot weeks of nocturnes

And so they go the images of my
Memory my dreams my existential
Embodiments Afro-American to Zapotec
Not the ontology of desire
Not want not need
Now my type dives  in over our heads
Flowing with  music  penetrating with words

Jack 4/5/'11
