Thursday, February 23, 2012


Four hundred forty-four doves
Alight upon my backyard
Pecking the green
Pooping black and white pellets
Fertile on the fallow soil
Who would say it is a sign of
Peace in the world all these
Doves congregated cooing with
Vibrations of love in one place
 Not I for had I but pieces of
Bread I'd toss them from my porch
The doves would turn and peck
Bird flesh fighting for morsels
They should never eat as we
Consume such oddities that make us
No matter for the doves panic
As if I had fired a gun or some wild
Dog had charged barking among them
Though there was nothing
And all aflutter flapping and mad
The doves soar away into the white
Cloud shaped like a dragon

Jack 2-23-12

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