Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dispel Solipsism

To dispel solipsism
Sexually embrace someone
Of the opposite sexual
Orientation as yourself

--Jack 12/16/'10

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



Awash in philosophy
How can I know love
Knowing I am gay
Knowing that I am straight
Worshiping you having you
Worship me with  hands lips 
Cunt cock ass 
Mind spirit geist
Strolling the shore of
Eating a split avocado
Drinking a royal Kir to us
Remembering touching the azaleas
Of Savannah pink hot odorless
Sitting in the mud of the Ocean

Waves knock us over
Salt stings a cut on my foot
The cut is our foot fetish
Tiger shrimp for dinner
A glass of Pinot Grigio
Wondering who Catullus fucked
Lesbia Juventius in a threeway
God banging  Eve and Adam
Until their ribs broke
Ribs became piano strings
God banged Beethoven's Thirtieth
Piano Sonata with finesse
We picked a rose in Portland
Beheld Mount Hood's sublime
White Peak soft white as my beard

Jack 11/10/10

Inspired by a FaceBook challenge to list 30 things about myself.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A Kathakali performer as Krishna.


Wind rips the leaves
Sways the limbs
As damp clouds cup
Flashes of sunlight
Shadows and sun catching
Falling clusters dancing through
Alternating patterns

So much of the world is adrift
Turmoil tsunamis volcanic ash
Cholera war bedbugs crawl
Death moves over people
Like the shadows over the fall leaves
A Tornado scatters our debris
And overriding all

Sitar vibrates raga in the stream of life
Meditation unperturbed of Krishna

Jack 10/26/10

Monday, October 18, 2010



Doesn't matter where
We live
As long as we can see the stars
Hear the sound of the waves of the
Smell the fresh air
Walk on the beach
Live where the water runs pure
Where there is silence day and
Where time goes by slowly easily
Where the salt water washes away 
Soil of the soul's solitude

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Sun will set today on the summer
Our hot discontent momentarily
Dissipated in the rain and autumn
Again we cross the line in the
Cycle the tilted Earth
The nuclear star the
Politics lurching from left to
Far right hurricanes in the
Not since Plato have such
Actors moved democracy
Moved the poor the uneducated
He warned Aristotle who helped
Alexander conquer the world
Die and send himself into
All over again as the sun sets on summer
As fall arrives
Leaves turn brown
And our nation surrenders to the

Jack, Autumnal Equinox 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Eleven eleven a m in a
Morning that will not go by
After a night of sleeplessness
Over your sleepless work
All night work
You love you say
As you cough and twitch
As I bury my face in the red pillow
As I remember at eleven fourteen
On a morning that will not go by
My night’s anxiety

How do I learn to let it go
To let you do as you decide
To let the endless morning go by
Without wanting to push the minute
Hand to a new hour
For now the way
The path the answer
Eludes me as the morning
At long last

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Green swaying in wet
New Orleans wind vast
Elephant ears listen for rain

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ode to the Oboe

Ode to the Oboe (Or the Bonobo)

Two reed poetry
First mouth in position
Second meter ahead
Complete sin tense
Third express conscience
Give fourth ecstasy
Meaning Fifth fall back to

Earth     Hearth
Birth      Heath
Wreath   Death

Sixth sex seventh zenith
Finish lips moist
With eloquence


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Under Crepe Myrtles

DAR Cemetery
photo by Jack

Under Crepe Myrtles

Oyster Shell sidewalks cross
Our cemetery of history
Death by dueling
Disease snatching wife and child
Cemetery of weeds
Myrtles' purple flowers
Weighted with moss
As if the trees were bearded
Watchers of the graves
The Tomb we graced with
Midnight mutual orgasm
Scythe and arrow above us
St. John's golden crosses

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

planet haiku

bright planet Venus
gleaming in the evening sky
rarely seen at all

Jack 6/7/10

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hot Haiku

Fireflies and  lightning
Summer flashes arouse hot

Jack 6/5/10

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


 Photo from AP


The hottest flow on Earth is Eyjafjallajökull
Ash lava molten rock a spill 
Of magma clouding the atmosphere until
Jets cease their flights to Albion

All the while gushing down below
Black oil making the Gulf of Mexico
Abyss of death crude poison flow
To darken Earth's oceans with pollution

All the while our spokesmen spew
Hypocrisy and spread their filth anew
Rimming rentboys as they frame lewd
Laws for banks guns sex and constitution

What wrath quake whirlwind cataclysm
What recompense could ever right
Our sullying of the garden of delight
Our vile spew our deadly jism

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fifth of May

As my partner in husbandry celebrates in drag
This Cinco de Mayo I watch once more Frida
Watch her kiss the goatee mouth of Trotsky
Watch as they climb the Pyramid of the Moon
Teotihuacan where I too ascended the Pyramid
Amid my youth full of love and dreams
Unafraid of the skeletons of Mexico's dead

There is no monogamy for old lovers or
Straight women for desire is too strong
Witness Frida's hair strewn about her 
Beating heart torn away as if by Aztec god
Until  in Paris finding existential liberation
Frida Kahlo and Josephine Baker dance 
Revelation freeing Frida from Rivera's grip

My partner dances in a bar called Heretic
As I wander past the blue walls and peacocks
Frida's garden of love and pain
My twenty years against her twenty-five loving
My crashes nothing compared to hers
My art shallow beside her depths

Morphine takes her through her day of the Dead
Wine softens my solitude on this Fifth of May

Jack  5/5/10 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Silence and the Stars

Silence and the Stars

They are  dead as dinosaurs
Silence and the stars
Like a wailing banshee
Sirens engines jackhammers
Yard blowers bombard with
Decibels our lost hearing
Blast away the essence of poetry

Gone from our sight the stars
Millions of lights in a universe
We can no longer see no longer hear
As mercury vapor lamps blind us
As trucks of the night dump their
We toss in a night emptied of rhyme

Ours is a world without Wordsworth
Whose quiet and whose stars were ever with him

Jack 5/4/10

Monday, May 3, 2010

May Pole

May Pole

Forty years ago there was a bloom
On my cheeks and Narcissus in my eyes
The finest women kissed me
Sucked the life from me for all I was 

Boys kissed me too though rare
Was the quest for my very being
So much more the Ecstasy we felt
Stars in our eyes in that all consuming

Today such fountains of desire rarest
Eruptions of spontaneous love
Awaken me as we lurch toward revelation
As you use my sperm to call forth your own

Jack 5/3/10

Sunday, April 25, 2010



Once when I had my wisdom teeth removed
Doctors put an IV in my vein
And while they did their bloody work within
My mouth I felt no pain

Tonight the rain sweeps over my city
Lightning alerts the sky and as I watch
I know that like the rain
I too am mostly liquid limited by time

How many centuries have religion have law
Ruled whom we love and how we touch
One another how we die how dispose of ourselves
Ruled when we can stand naked in the rain

My wisdom teeth removed the wisdom comes
That love in all its forms should be our joy
And death final jettison joyous release
Doctors on call to give us peace

Jack Miller 4/24/10

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


NASA Photo of the Sun's surface


Our thrasher flaps in the birdbath
The yellow puff of a flower soaks up
My eye squints through the lens of my glasses
As it comes to me from the car window
Angled blinding me unbelieving it to be the
Infinitesimal glint from the surface of
Our Sun

How could it be these red seeds
Surface deeper than any unconscious primal 
Understanding of the blaze nourishing the buzzing
Insect in our garden seeds millions of degrees
Keep this bee in nectar
Keep us 

Guarding our eyes from the quick flash
Of seeds  that will turn our planet speck to ash

-Jack 4/21/10

Saturday, April 3, 2010



My life is devoted to enlightening
Offspring of the business class
Meet Karl Marx Oscar Wilde
Simone De Beauvoir
Here is
My ism because the only ism
You know is consumer jizz

Corrupter of youth I am
A Trickle Down Darling
Old jester of the tyrants of capital
Giving a patty-cake education
To you kids who lay bare
Sins of your fathers indiscretions 
Of your mothers

Off to college my dears
Professors will prove your parents' fears

Sunday, March 28, 2010



They are more real than the shaky images  
Crisscrossing Plato's cave where the prisoners
Know full well that they are watching movies from the
Future of entertainment

They will all be exiting soon to delight
In the world of looking up to the stars
Debating over the substance of the Milky Way
Whale sperm to sailors late at night

To spawn to drink to make passionate love
Til Dawn all the while drifting in and out of
Sleep where their dreams emerge to hug them
Lovers swept into Blake's naked rising swirl

Dreams of the Psyche reveal
Who we are and give us our possibilities 
Our inner eye leading us out of our caves
To our shared garden by the sea

The Tide pools  scurry with life
Soaking us as we wade into the primal urge
Dream again  drowning in dreams
Of Ecstasy


Jack 3/28/10

Thursday, March 18, 2010



Who will free me from my inertia
Who show me the red road of wisdom
As I flounder toward the last days of
Pompous play of flaunting my laurels
Masking my existential angst
Drinking the wine of plenitude

Show me the way to the sea
Not the sea of ignorance I have fought
Against for scores
Rather the sea of
Water pure and simple a home
With windows open to the ocean air

Will I follow the aging master of ceremonies
Swimming daily in the deep
Creating communities
Magician dancer shaman conjurer
Or follow the creative songs of my 
Child philosopher protege prodigy

Into manhood 
Will I continue in the bosom of my school
My nourishment continue still  drifting
Wondering when to turn the driftwood into love
Love of Nature as a Pantheist
Love of the Goose and the Star

Take me Aristotle to the happiness when
The World and all that's in it
Is summed up in the number three

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fond farewell

Fond Farewell

Hand made bookcases hold us
Hold books that are our life
Philosophy art novels we cannot tell
From our own stories 

Books and paintings bright colored
Figures of imagination engravings by
Hogarth a dancing Pan by Maillol
A photo of Ru Paul a Fu dog a

Peach bowl from China
They are you and me in a
Shell we no longer want
We are snails ready to shed

To acquire not precious objects
Not ruby glasses from your beloved 
Aunt but rather ruby sunsets over the
Ocean air moonlight unimaginable


--Jack 3/6/10

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2d

March 2d

What wondrous winter snowflakes
Float through the March air
Melancholy and mysticism
Make of my memory
Soft sad music
A piano playing a dissonant sonata

This snow will one day have
My ashes
Will take me to join
The keepers of my soul
Melted away as all
This loveliness will be

Tomorrow-- yet for now
The crystals of ice will soon dissolve
Into my warm vision of you

For Dar

Saturday, February 20, 2010

God's Tongue

Photo from Wikipedia

God's Tongue

The stars are taste buds
In the tongue of God
Lapping up reality lapping up our
Lives propelled through the Ethyl
Like  rum runners

Fragrance of the universe
Raspberry enhances the taste of you
My rum baba
My nebula
My Dark matter scented unseen
Like a furtive glance

We drink in divinity our
Kir Imperial
Partake of the sacred substance
Tasting our God as our God tastes us
Raspberry skin of slippery saliva salvation
The everlasting drool of love.

Jack 2/20/10 


* Ethyl formate is an ester formed when ethanol (an alcohol) reacts with formic acid (a carboxylic acid). It is also known as ethyl methanoate because formic acid is also known as methanoic acid. Ethyl formate has the characteristic smell of rum and is also partially responsible for the flavor of raspberries.[1] 
Note from wikipedia.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Johnny Weir

Your blades cut me slice my
Aesthetic transforming motion into
Image spinning gliding making arcs
As your hands spread fingers of feeling
Into my heart

You reach in gestures of pure grace
Gliding like a heron in ecstasy
Over the ice  black Gothic shape  over the 
White ground
Passion coming to rest on your knee

You are Nijinsky
You are abandon eroticism joy
Smiling through tears as you 
Leap through all the space between us
A Leap of faith in your own being

Through dance through skating
Your figure becomes the metaphysics
Of desire a form of love
Transcending  time  space and body
A Rhythm of Olympian power

Jack Miller 2-14-10


Friday, February 5, 2010

Red-tailed Hawk in the Rain

Red-tailed Hawk
from Wikipedia

This day is drowned
Such quantities of rain have
Beat down on my tin roof
My soul is waterlogged

On the bare veins the limbs
Of a young winter oak clutches
A red-tailed hawk undaunted by
Such quantities of rain

The hawk surveys my yard
Flaps enormous brown wings
Away soundless but for the beat of
Such quantities of rain

Such quantities of rain have formed
Rivers of dream-soaked memory
Taking me in flow to my youth
To gullies and mud-pies of nostalgia

--Jack 2/4/'10

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Week of Roses

A Week of Roses

For a full week the yellow roses opened
Now as you fly to the Pacific the roses
Begin to sag to show you are gone
That the cold cold January week is done
That I am here in our spacious home
Without you

Our time of transition these delicate flowers
Our house full of treasured art sacred crafts
Has no destiny no one on whom we can bestow
Gifts that help us free ourselves to fly 
As you are flying now to a distant Island

The patterned Acoma pot the blue crystal bowl
Seven Buddhas await our choice of 
What to hold onto what to let go
For letting go is what we must do to reach our new life
Away from the stress of this Southern city iced
Away from the meaningless routines of the past
To a new harmony

Near to the sea you and I shall find our  garden
Where the yellow pink-tipped roses of our love 
Will bloom will thrive

 Yellow Rose photos by Jack for Dar

January 30, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ode to a Pataphor

Chess piece from

Ode to a Pataphor

You are as sweet as petits fours
Melting in the mouth
What better way to say
What cannot be said than
To Taste the imagined chaos
You Serve up

Knight takes bishop
So much for horsing around
Now out of the horse's mouth
A song sweet as a lullaby
To lull away the boardum  of
Pawn spawn

--Jack, 1/6/10

Petits Fours

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Blue Moon

Hear the sound of coquis: (click)

coqui perched in a Canarion flower Puerto Rico

photo courtesy of

Blue Moon

How cold it is Deep South
Where I miss you on your
Big Island paradise
Under the Blue Moon of
New Years Eve
Last occurring
Nineteen years ago as it shone on
Our first deep kiss

Alone blanketed I dream of
A Wolf at the screen door
Stairs that won't go up to you
I awake
And dream of your return to me
Your coqui frog crying out 
All night
All night

--Jack, 1/1/10
For Dar