Thursday, October 31, 2019

Queer at 72

How queer to be  seventy-two
the flow we imagine that our life is
goes around islands of perceptions
revelations traumas disillusions
 deposed rulers of our endeavors
career and ambition dissipate in favor of
 reminiscence of thirteen lovers 

missing those on the other side

lost in death's dateless night 
found alive in dreams
 awake I am  teaching asking
 like Socrates about the beauty
of portraits of Picasso's six wives
are the thirteen an identity my passion

the rapport the thoughts feelings and

body fluids the ecstasy of flesh and cum
arguments forgiveness kisses
what else am I but those 
 writings poetry photographs
letters concerts art or walks in parks 
up mountains down streams

 looking at glaciers craters volcanoes

snap-shooting temples shrines cathedrals 
the Alcazar of Seville the Pantheon
the shrine of 3000 lanterns all impermanent
 the revelation when alone on Mauna Kea  
 under the stars with Orion friend for life
that Thanatos and Eros are queer at 72 

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