Saturday, December 3, 2016


Not even kale rich in vitamins
can save us can stave off
the decomposition threatening
our peace of mind our complacency
not gluten free muffins not
supplements not wild salmon
not omega three fatty acids
will protect the wildcat or
the rain forest the elephant
the economy the homes we
inhabit nothing can defend
Nothing can save us from our
own stupidity our own choice
a leader without clothes without
ideas without compassion void
of understanding of the values
of society a self-absorbed ego
empty of empathy bellicose eager
for war for seizing countries
the way he seizes pussy
always taking faking making
money upon which he has no
We eat our television frozen dinner
kale and sweet potato as we watch hero
movies in which actual news anchors
actual members of Congress confer
with mythical bat and supermen in a reality
we have lost altogether as corporations
as oil companies lay their pipe lines
as smog and smoke fog our minds
as the oceans turn to warm plastic
as greed and ignorance trump
all the humanity all love of nature
all love for one another that once
we had.

--Jameson 12/16

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