Apricocks... Be kind and courteous to this gentleman; Hop in his walks and gambol in his eyes; Feed him with apricocks and dewberries, With purple grapes, green figs, and mulberries; The honey-bags steal from the humble-bees, And for night-tapers crop their waxen thighs And light them at the fiery glow-worm's eyes, To have my love to bed and to arise; -Shakespeare: Midsummer Night's Dream
Friday, May 24, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
It was an urge other than desire
that undid our walls
walls that go up from the day
we are told take not candy
from strangers walls that we
slip into every morning guarding
us from the gaze from the touch
of others who must remain separate
no matter how polite and warm the
talk our daily intermingling never
can reach the essence we protect
or else
or else we scorn the taboos
ubiquitous iniquities that grow like
wild hair follicle by follicle
as we mature into our private lives
yet I reached over and touched
your beard letting the rubicund glow
into my fingers as our first breach
of the palisade became a beating
at the gate until we found ourselves
so close it hurt
our hurting so different yours and mine
enduring we removed impediments
stone by stone until we had what we both
to be in each other's life
whether touching each other there
beyond and through the walls
or seeing as only we could
the connections invisible to others
Your shock of vermilion and mine of bone
Jack 5/19/13
It was an urge other than desire
that undid our walls
walls that go up from the day
we are told take not candy
from strangers walls that we
slip into every morning guarding
us from the gaze from the touch
of others who must remain separate
no matter how polite and warm the
talk our daily intermingling never
can reach the essence we protect
or else
or else we scorn the taboos
ubiquitous iniquities that grow like
wild hair follicle by follicle
as we mature into our private lives
yet I reached over and touched
your beard letting the rubicund glow
into my fingers as our first breach
of the palisade became a beating
at the gate until we found ourselves
so close it hurt
our hurting so different yours and mine
enduring we removed impediments
stone by stone until we had what we both
to be in each other's life
whether touching each other there
beyond and through the walls
or seeing as only we could
the connections invisible to others
Your shock of vermilion and mine of bone
Jack 5/19/13
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Irrational numbers and the end of time
Irrational Numbers and the End of Time
Is it not 1969 am I yet on the sunshine
acid trip LSD with the touch of strychnine
from the sacred tree am I yet your lover
the boy you give a hand job
never being one for subtleties
am I not in my bath today still swishing
on acid with all the blood and bath water
intermingling as pulsing hairs on my arm
sway in the waves of the effervescent water
no noticeable difference until I gaze into the
looking glass at that wizened old wizard's face
that white beard wild hairs every which way
underneath it all the same smile of bliss beyond
hallucination as when we were peaking and
you were coming simultaneously with me
is it not now is it not right now
are this aging man's tears not the same as yours
twenty-two a year older than I
tripping as you hold my cock erect
not knowing what to do with it
the way he caressed me my elder lover '69
for the past and the future are illusions
I knew it on acid and I know it on wine
there is only the present moment
love manifests itself timeless in our kiss
yours and mine your uneasiness my uneasiness
your joy my joy and all the quest for permanence
when permanence is what we've had all along
as we let go of the delusion of time
irrational numbers dissolving as we admit
an identity in you in me your hand in mine
eye to eye head to head song to song
Jack 5-11-13
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