Tuesday, May 18, 2010


 Photo from AP


The hottest flow on Earth is Eyjafjallajökull
Ash lava molten rock a spill 
Of magma clouding the atmosphere until
Jets cease their flights to Albion

All the while gushing down below
Black oil making the Gulf of Mexico
Abyss of death crude poison flow
To darken Earth's oceans with pollution

All the while our spokesmen spew
Hypocrisy and spread their filth anew
Rimming rentboys as they frame lewd
Laws for banks guns sex and constitution

What wrath quake whirlwind cataclysm
What recompense could ever right
Our sullying of the garden of delight
Our vile spew our deadly jism

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fifth of May

As my partner in husbandry celebrates in drag
This Cinco de Mayo I watch once more Frida
Watch her kiss the goatee mouth of Trotsky
Watch as they climb the Pyramid of the Moon
Teotihuacan where I too ascended the Pyramid
Amid my youth full of love and dreams
Unafraid of the skeletons of Mexico's dead

There is no monogamy for old lovers or
Straight women for desire is too strong
Witness Frida's hair strewn about her 
Beating heart torn away as if by Aztec god
Until  in Paris finding existential liberation
Frida Kahlo and Josephine Baker dance 
Revelation freeing Frida from Rivera's grip

My partner dances in a bar called Heretic
As I wander past the blue walls and peacocks
Frida's garden of love and pain
My twenty years against her twenty-five loving
My crashes nothing compared to hers
My art shallow beside her depths

Morphine takes her through her day of the Dead
Wine softens my solitude on this Fifth of May

Jack  5/5/10 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Silence and the Stars

Silence and the Stars

They are  dead as dinosaurs
Silence and the stars
Like a wailing banshee
Sirens engines jackhammers
Yard blowers bombard with
Decibels our lost hearing
Blast away the essence of poetry

Gone from our sight the stars
Millions of lights in a universe
We can no longer see no longer hear
As mercury vapor lamps blind us
As trucks of the night dump their
We toss in a night emptied of rhyme

Ours is a world without Wordsworth
Whose quiet and whose stars were ever with him

Jack 5/4/10

Monday, May 3, 2010

May Pole

May Pole

Forty years ago there was a bloom
On my cheeks and Narcissus in my eyes
The finest women kissed me
Sucked the life from me for all I was 

Boys kissed me too though rare
Was the quest for my very being
So much more the Ecstasy we felt
Stars in our eyes in that all consuming

Today such fountains of desire rarest
Eruptions of spontaneous love
Awaken me as we lurch toward revelation
As you use my sperm to call forth your own

Jack 5/3/10